Limnos 2018

European week Natura 2000
North East Meltemi


Under the European supported program ΝΕ MELTEMI, The breath of archipelagos and with the occasion of the celebration of the European week Natura 2000, Trace Your Eco participated actively between 21 and 23 of June 2018, in a multilevel experience travel to the island of Limnos. Natura 2000 areas, have been visited and a volunteering cleaning of the Natura area of Keros was performed. Beautiful sceneries, rich flavors, fruitful discussion framed an unforgettable event to all participants.

Trace Your Eco being devoted to its values, supports actively actions of sustainable development, promoting new alternative destinations. In cooperation with accredited organizations contributes in the protection of the environemnt. Together with the Department of Journalism & Mass Communications Of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Trace Your Eco visited four major areas of the European network Natura 2000 between Thessaloniki and the island of Limnos.

For many years, Trace Your Eco contributes to the development and reinforcement of the hiking tourism in Greece. Our aim is the diffusion of our love for nature and the development of a hiking society based on a friendly and respectful culture towards the environemnt. We contribute in the development and growth of a sustainable model of alternative activities in the Greek territory. Our target is to establish Greece as an international hiking destination.

Limnos is a beautiful island in the Aegean sea, within the Greek territory, with several unknown beauties for the most people. We are looked up for local associations and we support the development and promotion of the natural wealth of the island. Devoted to our targets, we already design and plan actions that can support the sustainable development of the local area respecting the environment.

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Through a variety of actions, we give every year the opportunity to thousands of people to discover and experience the benefits of hiking, as well as improving their well-being.